My mission is to educate and encourage women to eat nutrient-dense foods helping them integrate a new way of eating developing the consciousness that we are what we eat and by using the right food we can heal diseases.
When dealing with chronic inflammation, Your life seems to come to a halt!
You don't dream about tomorrow. You trying to survive. One day at a time.
Each day upon waking, you make a roll call, you assess your body! which parts of your lovely body are hurting!
Each day is different, your pain relocates!
Hi lovely, I am GITHU, certified Health & Nutrition Coach, as well as in Food as Medicine. I am specialized in Food and Inflammation.
It's my pleasure that you're here.
Here I share with you Plant-Based, Vegan, and Gluten-Free recipes that have helped me reduce inflammation and get off the medication due to Rheumatoid Arthritis. This diet has helped me reduce allergies and the effects of Shingles.
All Chronic Diseases start with inflammation, and these recipes are created to help you at most reduce your inflammation.
These simple health recipes are perfect for your Weight loss journey as they are high in nutrients to feed your body and help you lose weight.
I will post helpful articles on Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and what causes inflammation.
You might be searching for alternative health solutions regarding your health.
Either to help yourself/someone close, with your Chronic Inflammation(s) or other Autoimmune Diseases.
I believe by the time you're leaving this blog, I'll have helped you with something new.
I was diagnosed with RA back in 2006. But looking back, my Rheumatoid Arthritis had started way back when I was only 16yrs! Genetic predisposition! So I thought, but with a lot of reflection on my childhood life, I'd say I survived through a very stressful life.
Today I know that STRESS and emotional rollercoaster can affect your immune system and cause an inflammatory cascade! This could also have affected my liver for so long that maybe it couldn't detox properly!
Prior to my diagnose, I suffered a lot, I had no medication, I was in a new country where I could hardly express myself in my new language. Doctors couldn't understand me, I couldn't get good treatment since I lacked good health insurance!
Within a short period of 3 months after arriving in France, my feet enlarged with inflammation, I couldn't wear my pointed shoes anymore, I had to borrow a pair of basket shoes from a male friend. All of a sudden had to start buying rounded and extra-sized shoes.
At the same time, my right shoulder was blocked with severe pain, I could hardly do anything, worse I couldn't sleep!
At that time I was sleeping on a bunk bed, so I used to tie my belt on my wrist on one end, and on the other end, I'd tie on the upper bed. That was the only way I could immobilize my arm at night. The pain was so cruel, so intense that I had really wished someone could chop my arm off!
Yes, I was in such pain that if I had a way to mutilate my arm, I would have done it! Today, I thank Heaven that didn't happen.
I had also developed severe horrible acne. This took too many years to heal even after having long years of internal antibiotics treatment! Least did I know that acne or skin issues can be related to autoimmune diseases.
After being diagnosed some years later, the doctors told me that I was going to be on medications for the rest of my life, that the disease will progress to worse, that there's no cure and the medication was ONLY TO SLOW THE PROGRESS of the disease!
I'd never felt so lost, so sorry for myself, and completely helpless before, I was so lonely, totally desperate, and very frustrated. I was ONLY 30!
So I took for a long period, immune suppressor drugs such as Methotrexate and Arava with lots of prednisone even if the pain never ceased!
I developed serious allergies. I was almost allergic to everything. For instance, I became very sensitive to Our mighty sun, me, who used to soak up myself in the tropical Sun, back in Kenyan plainlands.
I couldn't survive a day without antihistamine drugs.
Though I was very lucky to be in remission during my last pregnancy
When I stopped breastfeeding my baby girl, my body had a really bad Rheumatoid Arthritis attack, it flared up almost on all joints.
The pain was so so bad. I was put on high doses of prednisolone. This lasted for a long period of time! ( Gosh! life can be awful sometimes).
I've gone that pain, where I could wake up in the morning, and I had to roll myself down from the bed. I could stand crying behind my bedroom door unable to turn the lock! My hands used to swell and fold. The pain was excruciating!
I couldn't even wash my face, hold a glass of water! and yet, I had my 2 lovely kids to take care of, ALONE! and especially my baby girl who was only 2yrs then.
My turning point was when my doctor started alarming me on my high levels of transaminases in my blood tests, back at the end of 2016.
He slightly said we'd to check on my liver! I knew without further information that my medication was obviously weighing on my precious liver!
Psychologically, I refused to take medicine! I was in pain! I was suffering! but every time I reached for my medicine, I felt some weight in my gut!
Unfortunately, autoimmune diseases don't just come alone!
I had just come back from vacating on mountains when my body went down with some kind of disease that no doctor was able to tell me what it was; I had my facial skin breaking into small cuts, my body had a severe inflammatory rash that when I started on scratching I couldn't stop, I remember my daughter caught me one day crying and scratching!
Then, from nowhere, I had shingles (a viral infection that causes a painful rash). It started as a small itching spot and before a month there were itching dark blisters all over from my navel to the way next to the armpit! I was feeling so low mentally, my body was drained of energy, but I tried my best to hold my head high for my kids.
I still didn't want any medication, some doctors said it was due to my vegan diet since I had cut animal products from my diet! I felt confused, lost, and very lonely.
Today I'm pain free and I feel better than ever
It's been 4 yrs now since I went medical free and I'm actually feeling better. Can I be honest with you? It wasn't easy! It's not that simple to just wake up with a lot of pain and you ONLY have WILL POWER to face the day!
It took time to walk myself through that darkest time of tremendous pain and loneliness! I don't want you to feel this way, I'm here to help you.
I've managed to subside my pain through diet and positiveness. Am not healed. But, I practically have no pain now, the shingles disappeared, my high histamine calmed as well, and I can smile and tell you, life is much better and I'm now reaching out to you to help you heal yourself.
That's why I've created FOODHEAL WELLNESS, a 3 months program where I help you learn how food, even when thought "healthy" can affect your body. I'd like it so much if you joined.
What I found challenging was figuring out what to eat! We're, most of the time accustomed to what's obvious. Changing diet at 180° all at once is doubting.
This blog is my innermost desire to provide you with information and help you with some easy, healthy, plant-based & gluten-free recipes. Quick & simple recipes, nutrient-dense, and anti-inflammatory... make sure to subscribe to get new recipes.
I am not vegan or vegetarian, but my health conditions have led me to avoid almost all animal products. I can tolerate some yogurts, homemade raw fermented goat milk, or kefir. I only take these for their healthy bacteria which my gut needs so much.
If what I know can help you just go a day without pain, then, I'll be the happiest.
I'd like to hold your hand. Walk you through. Because I do understand you too well. It might take some time for you to start feeling better. However, "a journey of thousand miles starts with a single step"Lao Tzu.
I've learned how food plays a fundamental role in how we feel! and who we are. What you put in your mouth as food, can either build your health or destroy it.
Unfortunately, few are doctors in town who will hardly connect Rheumatoid Arthritis or/and other Chronic Diseases with your diet.
The body can only repair itself when it's well-nourished with nutritious food, a positive mind, among others.
That is to say, I create only plant-based recipes. I'll also provide you with some information, consequently gained through Research. With the intention to help you better understand chronic inflammation. You'll make choices that will help you get your life back.
My recipes are just guidelines, you'll adopt them according to your liking. Be free to substitute ingredients. Otherwise, some are just optional.
I'd love to walk this journey with you. Pretty soon, you'll start feeling like your whole self and that means heaven to me. Come more often for more recipes.
PS/ Disclaimer!
The information on this site is meant to ONLY inform you! You'll be your best judge as to how you feel and what's good for you.
As holistic health & nutrition coach, I'll help you the best I can, I'll give you all information necessary to help you heal, but you are the only one to make the decisions.
And always remember, No one can ever feel the way you feel, trust your intuitions and your Gut!
With lots of love and hugs, Githu.